Additional Support for Women and Minorities

As a woman of color who has experience in law, business, higher education, politics, tech, and nonprofits, I have experienced many situations in which I was the only woman in the room and even more in which I was the only woman of color. I have seen well-intentioned people create policies or procedures that did not reflect female-identified voices, and I have also experienced women and people of color being purposely excluded from opportunities for advancement. 

Throughout my career, I have not only strived to be included at the table but also worked to invite other underrepresented individuals to join me and to have their voices elevated. If you or someone you know is interested in working with Hira but does not have the financial resources to do so, please contact us directly via the Contact page. I offer a number of pro-bono services for women and underrepresented minorities. 

No one should be left behind due to a lack of financial resources.